Kiwanis Club of Eugene

Globally, we are part of Kiwanis International.

Locally, we are a hands-on, volunteer service organization seeking to improve the lives of children in our community.

We welcome men and women from all walks of life. No secret ceremonies, handshakes and symbols.

Our members are made up of business owners, executives, educators, employees at all levels and retirees. In other words, just about anyone interested in serving their community.

We seek to accomplish our mission through projects of our own as well as providing support to other local organizations such as Food for Lane County, Head Start, Key Clubs, Parenting Now, local Lane County schools, and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.


We meet on the first and third Wednesdays, 11:45, for a buffet lunch. Our new location is at Countryside Pizza & Grill, 645 River Road, Eugene. We have speakers covering a wide variety of current, useful and informative topics.

Visitors are always welcome.
